martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

English Activities


Aqui estoy otra vez esta vez con el proposito de compartir con ustede algunas actividades.
Practice demostratives:


Hello again,

Try  these new exercises to practice your english skills


  Game      //


miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Canción: Tan solo tu

Ahora algo diferente, pero igualmente valioso,  una canción a la que no había prestado la debida atención. Por eso hoy la publico. Cuantas veces no hemos escuchado una historia como esta, cuantas telenovelas no se han hecho ya sobre el mismo tópico. Sin embargo una canción siempre, siempre nos presenta los tópicos de manera tan delirante y apasionada que basta con escucharla para ahorrarnos ver la telenovela.  Disfruten a estos dos maravillosos artistas. Creo que lo hicieron genial....

Lesson Plan (Plan de Clase)

Deseándoles a todos un feliz día,

Este día quiero compartir un modelo de clase que aunque me fue dado para una clase de ingles , considero que puede ser usado en cualquier otro saber especifico. Este modelo es utilizado actualmente por las universidades que imparten licenciatura de idiomas e incluso organismos internacionales que trabajan en el área de la educación para la enseñanza de la educación.

Espero que encuentres en el una orientación clara acerca de como desarrollar tu clase de modo que aunque si por alguna razón  tu no pudieras  asistir a clase, la persona que te sustituya pueda llevar acabo la clase siguiendo las pautas claras y concisas de tu preparación. Por ende un criterio de este o cualquier modelo para la preparación de una clase en que sea lo suficientemente claro y descriptivo en cuanto a la secuenciacion de las actividades y como desarrollarlas.

Name:   XXXXXXXXXXXXX             Institution: Escuela Normal Superior Del Distrito De        City: Barranquilla
Date: October 20, 2011 Time: 6:30-8:20    Length: 2 hours Grade: 2° Level:Beginners
Lesson Aims:  *  to ask and say  what is wrong with someone
* to identify vocabulary
standard: * Demuestro comprensión dde preguntas sencillas sobre mi , mi familia y mi entorno.
                    * Sigo instrucciones relacionadas con actividades de clase y recreativas propuestas por mi profesor.
                    * Participo en representaciones cortas.
                    * Respondo a preguntas sobre como me siento.
                   * Copio y transcribo  palabras que comprendo  y que uso con frecuencia en el salón de clase.
Linguistic Competence(1)
Pragmatic competence(2)
* Cards
* Book(  Hip Hip Hooray,Pearson)
* Tape , CD, TV,DVD
*Worksheet (2 Copies)
Stage, Time and
1. Warm up Motivate the students to  the  T greet and Ss sing some songs
T, Ss class Review the vocabulary about last class
5-7 mins
2. Pre-teach Iniciate the Ss in the topic. T will show  flashcard about Illnesses vocabulary and Ss will look
5mins and practice pronunciation.
3. Instruction Give a clear example and  Ss  Mime the illnesses presented on flash card T ask the student 
T, Ss give instructions What´s wrong? Ss Say My…. Hurts. I have a… Have  students try to guess the words
4. Practice Develop activities in the book Ss focus on the illnesses presented on p.90. Play the audio T ask the student about
Ss                         7mins dialogue presenting  the target structures.What's wrong? I have a tootache.
Ss focus on the grammar target T  provide  other examples to elicit  from the language part
T their construction, use the audio.
Develop skill on how to ask and Ss put in pairs and practice the target language from learn 3
Ss                         5mins answer What is wrong with T Walk around and monitor progress.
T explain the students how it should be complete activity on p.91, Listen , number and write.
T                           10mins Give instructions elicit one or two answer to ensure all students are clear on What to do.
Ss listen the audio and number the items correctly. Then  write in the missing text 
with flascards help to write correctly  the sentences
Develop fluency Ss focus on the second activity on p.91 T explain how it should be completed,  s 
Ss                       10mins Ss answer the question What's wrong and draw the answer.
Ss writing and drawing then show the class what  illnesses they have.
Ss                              10mins
6. Feedback Review the topics Ss develop  worksheet on two copies for each one
T, Ss                    20mins
7. Closure Check undersstanding Texplain the activity Ss put in two teams , one team will be the doctors and the other  will 
T,Ss                    10mins be the patiens ask and say what is wrong with someone.
8. homework Reinforce concepts Ss prepare a simple presentation about one illness that they  suffered 
They 'll  make a poster with parents help.
T will bring a model to show them and where they can see what T expect.

Adicionalmente a esto hay algunas sugerencias previas al desarrollo de la clase que te ayudaran a que este sea un evento exitoso.  Al principio te parecerá engorroso, pero luego que veras los resultados y no te arrepentirás de haberlo intentado.

This is a group of 36 2°. It is a mixed class of 7-8 y , boys and girls.
They meet four hours a week
 For the English class .Their level is very basic that means that they can recite songs, chants and to understand simple instructions about activities in class but have difficulty expressing simple statements orally or in writing. They can transcribe or copy from the board easily if  the lesson is  not  too long.
They can recognize  and associate the vocabulary learned in class but have problems with the pronunciation of it. The students generally work well together and are attentive and motivated when developing games or graphic-plastic work during class  but  sometimes they are messy and are too noisy.
They like competitions, and activities that involve music,. They like the  English class  and enjoy much .

How this lesson will meet their needs?
Students need improve their r language skills in order to  allow them to express themselves about  their illness or another situation .  The class provide them a chance to practice in a meaningful and enjoyable way the vocabulary  and expression taught.  
Personal aims: What aspects of your own teaching  will you develop in this lesson?

In my opinion agree to the age of the students and their own characteristic the English class has to allow students get confidence to continue with the process of learning.
Besides  the activities prepared for the class must be and enjoyable experienced that they can feel as very useful in their real life.
Connection to other subjects in the school curriculum

The topic of this class is illness, it can be connected with body parts, healthy habits, so this lesson can be connected with sciences.

A.Skill Lesson Complete this section if your lesson is to develop reading, listening,speaking or writing

Skill to develop:
. Listening
. speaking
. writing
Type of text
. Dialogue in a cafeteria
B. Vocabulary: complete notes below on you will focus on:
A cold   /koʊld/ 
By  using flashcards  and mimes
A headache   /ˈhedeɪk/
By  using flashcards  and mimes
A  toothache   /ˈtuθˌeɪk/
By  using flashcards  and mimes
A stomachache   /ˈstʌmək/
By  using flashcards  and mimes
A sore throat   /sɔr/  /θroʊt/
By  using flashcards  and mimes
A nosebleed      /ˈnoʊzˌblid/
By  using flashcards  and mimes
Wrong   /rɔŋ/ 

C. language  analysis  page: complete this section if focusing on grammar or function.

Substitution table for the grammar/ function.

What’s wrong?    I have  a headache
                                She has a cold
                               He has a nosebleed
                               They have  a too thache
Checking meaning:
Show a flash card or mime the word and ask :
Do you have a headache? yes
Does she have a  toothache? No
Does he have a nosebleed? Yes
Do they have  a sore throat? No

Highlighting pronunciation.
What’s wrong?          

 /wɑts rɔŋ/
D Anticipated  problems
Anticipate problems
Planned solutions
 Some students could have  a problem  with pronunciation
Listen to cd  and  repetition
Some students could have  a problem with meaning
Show flash card , mime, gestures, translate by students or the teacher.
Some  students  could  need  more time  to develop the activities
Teacher  or fast student  will help  the slow student
Después de llevar a cabo tu clase con tus estudiantes es conveniente, siempre ,la reflexión que te permitirá mejorar tu propia experiencia al analizar aspectos positivos y negativos de la clase con la mayor objetividad posible. Para te propongo que respondas después de cada evento pedagógico las siguientes preguntas,.

1. Were your lesson aims achieved?            What evidence can I show to prove this

2. Were your personal aims achieved?        What evidence can I show to prove this?

3.Which stages and activities went well?  Why did they go well?          Give evidence

4.Which stages and activities did not go as well as they could have? Why not?                           Give evidence!

5. What areas in your teaching would you like to work on in future lessons?

Bien, espero que esta información pueda ayudarte a mejorar tu experiencia docente.  

Un buen maestro no es el que lo sabe todo, es quien sabe donde puede ayudarse para ser mejor cada día.

Teaching Development Program (TDP) Ministerio de Educacion Nacuional- Universidad del Norte.